the deconstruction of sovereignty and the question of a new nomos of the earth must open with (coordinate with) a new question of community. Which brings us back to the obscured (non-)origin of the law, radical title


The traditional Eurocentric order of international law is foundering today, as is the old nomos of the earth. This order arose from a legendary and unforeseen discovery of a new world, from an unrepeatable historical event.

The earth has been promised to the peacemakers. The idea of a new nomos belongs only to them. CS

There is no longer any sense in a “sense of the world”: the signification of each of these words, as well as the signification of their syntagma, is caught up in the circling back on themselves of all “occidental” significations, a circling back that coincides with a “becoming-worldwide” that no longer leaves any “outside” and consequently no longer leaves any “inside” – neither on this earth nor beyond it, neither in the universe nor beyond it – with relation to which a sense could be determined. But there is no sense except in relation to some “outside” or “elsewhere” in the relation to which sense consists. J-LN

One can also put it like this: for as long as the world was essentially in relation to some other (that is, another world or an author of the world), it could have a sense. But the end of the world is that there is no longer this essential relation, and that there is no longer essentially (that is, existentially) anything but the world “itself”. Thus, the world no longer has a sense, but it is sense. J-LN

This, too […] is the “end of philosophy”: how the end of the world of sense opens the praxis of the sense of the world. J-LN